Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Sky High

SKY HIGH (2005) - July 27, 2005
An enjoyable film about the son of the two greatest superheroes in the world, who begins attending a high school for heroes called "Sky High." Suffers from a weak second half in which the main character learns that hanging out with the "cool" kids is not all it's cracked up to be (which happens in the most played-out, predictable way possible. As well, the identity of the super villain should come as a surprise only to the most slow-witted children in the audience). Aside from that, the film is entertaining throughout (though it does begin to wear out its welcome a bit in the latter half) and features good performances by all the leads, and some really enjoyable performances from people like Kurt Russell, Bruce Campbell and Dave Foley. Though it can't really compare to something like Spider-Man or the Incredibles, it is for the most part a fun way to spend an hour and a half. ***

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