Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Good Bye Lenin!

GOOD BYE LENIN! (2003) - Sept. 28, 2004 (S)
A really good dramedy about a son who goes to extreme lengths to prevent his mother from finding out that the Berlin wall has fallen (she was in a coma when it happened). Though it is essentially plotless, it's always entertaining because of how well-developed the characters are. Though the film certainly has funny moments, it is mostly a drama. I particularly liked the look on the father's face when he realized that he was looking at his son for the first time in years. The fact that the characters are so well-developed makes it seem believable even when the son goes to almost ludicrous lengths to keep up the charade. I also like how, at the end, the mother finds out the truth but never tells her son -- she's happy that he's gone through so much to protect her, and he's happy that he's managed to keep his mother sheltered. ***1/2

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