Monday, June 14, 2004

The Terminal

THE TERMINAL (2004) - June 14, 2004
Tom Hanks is pretty much the only reason to watch this movie. And even he can't save it. Stephen Spielberg makes yet ANOTHER movie that's overlong by at least half an hour. It starts off well enough, and for a while the movie is able to coast on Tom Hank's charm, but after a while it just stops being interesting. It probably didn't help that much of the screentime was devoted to Stanley Tucci in an entirely superfluous role that only served to pad out the already bloated run-time. The Catherine Zeta-Jones character was also pretty unnecessary. And I mean, come on, does a cheesy little movie like this really need to be over two hours? I'll answer that: no, no it certainly doesn't. Tom Hanks was really good, though. But Tom Hanks is always good. **

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