Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Sunday Bloody Sunday

SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY (1971) - Feb. 24, 2004
Another dud from John Schlesinger (he also directed Darling). About the romance between a woman and a gay man, and the affair he has on the side with an older doctor (which she knows about, resents, but does nothing to stop). Much like Darling, it starts off well enough. In fact, the first hour or so is pretty much decent, if a little slow. However, after the parents come back for the kids that the aforementioned couple had been babysitting, the whole thing goes downhill pretty quickly. It loses any momentum it once had, and becomes boring for all the same reasons as Darling (under-developed characters, no plot, and absolutely no momentum). Good performances all around, but wasted in this sub-par movie. *1/2

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