Saturday, September 06, 2008


SAUNA (2008) - Sept. 6, 2008
Though I can't say I completely understood this movie, I can say that I enjoyed it. About a team of Russians and Swedes who set out to define the border between their two countries after a brutal war, and who wind up in a small village right next to a mysterious white building, this film was a fairly adept mix of drama and horror. Slow paced but never boring, the film was well directed by Antti-Jussi Annila, and featured some nice looking widescreen cinematography. The ending was kind of baffling at first, but the more I think about it the more I think I have a fairly good handle on what happened (also: at the screening I attended, the director mentioned an idea he had for a sequel, involving a group of modern-day soldiers investigating the sauna. It seemed like he was half-joking, but it sounds like a pretty sweet idea to me). ***

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