Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sleepless Night

SLEEPLESS NIGHT (2011) - April 17, 2012
A really entertaining film about a cop whose son is kidnapped by angry drug dealers who want their stolen drugs back, and the game of cat and mouse that ensues in an enormous, labyrinthine night club.  The film does a pretty great job of quickly developing the protagonist and making him someone we care about, and then building up the tension as he attempts to avoid (and eventually confront) the criminals and corrupt cops who are after him in the gigantic club.  Though Frédéric Jardin direction is a bit shakier than I'd like, he generally does a pretty great job -- there's some really memorable action here, particularly a brutal, lumbering fight that takes place in a kitchen and involves drawers, pots and pans, and pretty much anything that isn't nailed down.  ***1/2

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