Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Prison Break: The Final Break

PRISON BREAK: THE FINAL BREAK (2009) - Nov. 9, 2010
Meh.  About Michael and the gang getting back together again to bust Sarah out of jail, this was basically enjoyable if somewhat mediocre -- I'm kind of hesitant to even classify this as a movie, as it essentially just feels like a long episode of the show.  In fact it kind of feels like they took what was supposed to be an entire season's worth of plot and crammed it into two episodes, as quite a lot happens, and the film sort of feels like it's rushing through everything to get to all of the story beats.  I was pretty much always a fan of Prison Break, even in the last couple of seasons, so it's kind of sad to see it end on such a mediocre note (and the decision to kill of the protagonist of the show still feels unsatisfying and cheap).  **1/2

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