Thursday, May 13, 2010


GLADIATOR (2000) - May 13, 2010 (Fifth or Sixth viewing)
I remember loving this film, but it's been quite a few years since I've seen it, and I was afraid it wouldn't be as good as I remembered.  Nope: I still love this film.  There are so many things I really like about this movie, from Ridley Scott's stylish direction, to the sweet action and the surfiet of memorable moments (the "my name is Gladiator" scene still ranks as one of the most badass things ever).  Russell Crowe gives what is probably his best performance, and a lot of the reason that the movie works as well as it does is that it really makes you care about him.  There's a lot of stuff with Joaquin Phoenix and his smarmy political maneuverings, and the movie has a pretty epic feel, but it never loses sight of Crowe's journey -- when it comes down to it, this is really just a movie about one man's quest to avenge the death of his family.  It's pretty great.  ****

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