Saturday, May 02, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (2009) - May 2, 2009
Not wholly inept, but not exactly good, either, this was a mediocre origin story about Wolverine, leading into the first X-Men movie. The performances were fine, and Hugh Jackman was pretty much perfect as Wolverine, but the movie just wasn't that good. It was kind of boring. I think one of the film's major flaws was that it was essentially a revenge story -- only we know that Wolverine can't possibly get revenge on either Sabretooth or Styker, because they have to be around for the X-Men movies that follow. So that renders the revenge stuff pretty much moot, which makes most of the film kind of a drag to sit through. It's pretty shoddy. **

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