Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Grudge 2

THE GRUDGE 2 (2006) - Oct. 14, 2006
This was a decent sequel, but it's hard for me to completely judge this film as I saw it with a really terrible audience. Featuring three different storylines about people who are affected by that crazy grudge house, the film was, like the first one, basically just a series of scary set-pieces. Some of these sequences were more effective than others, which made the film feel somewhat uneven. And though the whole concept of a long-haired ghost stalking people has lost a bit of its freshness (putting it mildly) the film actually does manage to be pretty creepy in parts, if not very original. I thought this was okay, but who knows, maybe I would have liked it more if I hadn't seen it with such a crappy audience. **1/2

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