Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Protector

THE PROTECTOR (2005) - Sept. 19, 2006
I think this might have once been a good film. It's hard to say; half an hour has been cut out of this version leaving it almost completely incomprehensible. Whoever did the cutting did a terrible job -- many scenes seem to begin or end arbitrarily, and the whole film has a choppy, outright confusing feel to it. The film is also, confusingly, dubbed in some parts, and subtitled in others. The action was really good though, with the highlights being the part where Jaa fights his way to the top of a building in one continuous shot, and the part where Jaa takes on a room full of guys, and proceeds to break more arms than Steven Seagal has in his entire career. I really do need to see the original, because this version was clearly butchered. **

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