Monday, February 20, 2006


MUNICH (2005) - Feb. 20, 2006
This could have been a really, really good movie. The potential was there. It was really well acted - Eric Bana in particular gave a really impressive performance, and all the supporting roles were really good. It was very well made, and featured some pretty riveting set-pieces. And considering the subject matter, it was remarkably even-handed, never reducing itself to a simplistic "good versus evil" type of thing. All good stuff! But, like pretty much every Spielberg movie from the last decade or so, it was seriously bloated. It was nearly three hours long and it shouldn't have been a minute over two. For the first hour or so I was really into it, thinking that Spielberg had finally made another really great movie. But then it started to lose steam, with several scenes that seemed either overlong or entirely superfluous. And then of course there's a point where it seems like it should end and it keeps going. It sucks, because at two hours long this could have been something great. ***

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