Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fantastic Four

FANTASTIC FOUR (2005) - July 9, 2005
This movie wasn't really bad per se, it was just extremely mediocre. It was sort of entertaining (though too long), but the underdeveloped characters and juvenile humour ensure it'll never hold much appeal to anyone other than eight-year-olds. As for the performances, Chris Evans and Michael Chicklis were the only two who really did a good job. Jessica Alba was wooden and unconvincing as Susan Storm, and Ioan Gruffudd, while basically fine, didn't really have the necessary charisma to be a good Reed Richards. And Julian McMahon wasn't nearly sinister enough as Doctor Doom. He was pretty evil, I guess, but not really in a cool super villain kind of way, more in a crazy weirdo kind of way. I mean, here's a movie where it would be okay for the villain to give the requisite "here's why I want to take over the world" speech, and he doesn't even do it. And why couldn't they give the Thing his brow?? How hard would that have been? I don't get it. As far as recent superhero movies go, this isn't nearly as terrible as Catwoman, but it isn't even in the same league as stuff like Spider-Man, Batman and the Incredibles. **

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